carrd designed by cassiaslair.
Dimitri Jienuex
Mateus. Crystal. EST.
"I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them." ~Oscar Wilde
rules & ooc.
No I will not RP: Abuse, Cheating, Sexual Assault, Excessive Violence, or any action that lacks the ability for me to give consent to what happens to my character(s) If any attempts are made at the above themes I will leave the scene I am in with you and block you.
Availability: I am available Every Other Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and some Fridays, to schedule in-game RP. While times can vary on these days, my usual online hours are 5 pm EST to 1 am EST. I am very open to Discord RP and I am a regular poster to RP that takes place in that medium.
IC is not OOC: I am not looking for OOC relationships beyond platonic friendships. Please no OOC flirting or sexual advances. Things said to me OOC will not be taken IC and vice versa. If I find you blending or bleeding between IC/OOC I will cut ties with you immediately.
I am not looking for romantic relationship RP or Erotic RP for this character. If you choose to try and cross this boundary I will cease contact with you, this is non-negotiable.

Star.Time Zone: EST
Datacenter: Crystal
Pronouns: They/ThemMun is 30+: I prefer my RP partners to be 18+ due to the themes presented in this character, and often I lean toward those who are older. If I find out you are a minor I will cut ties with you.Mun is Dyslexic: Please keep this in mind when RPing with me as it does affect my spelling, sentence structure, and grammar. I do everything I can to minimize this for others, and I will not put up with constant ridicule or negativity about it, if this occurs I will cease contact with you.Discord: I can be contacted at umbral.calamity on Discord. I will, however, not add you as a friend unless we have substantial story progress or ongoing RP that requires open communication.
name. Lord Dimitri Reginal Jienuex
age. 34
nameday 32nd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (October 31st)
guarding deity. Thaliak/Nophica
gender. Male
pronouns. He/Him
sexuality. Bisexual Extreme Masculine Lean
marital status. Engaged to Laurent Alliard
height. Seven Fulms Fulms, One Ilms
weight. Around 215 ponz
hair color. Reddish Brown
eye color. Blue/Green with flecks of gold
skin tone. Fair, lightly freckled. notable features.
Piercings: Snakebites, Ears, Nipples and Belly Button.
Tattoos: Dimitri is a mural of vines, leaves, brambles, flowers, and some occult images. Occasionally he adds to this masterpiece when he has time.
Scars: Left Lower Back a gruesome and twisted scar continues to heal. It appears as if someone tried to shank him and was nearly successful. job occupation. Occult Investigator
place of origin. Old Sharlayan
home. Gridania
The Twin Adders
Formerly: The Studium
Formerly: The Noumenon family.
Leopold Lemieux - Adoptive Father
Prudence Lemieux - Adoptive Mother
Patience Lemieux- Adopted SisterBaroness Saphelle Jienuex- Birth Mother (deceased)
Viscount Veheaux Bierudaux- Birth Father
Baroness Viviane Jienuex-Vimaroix- Twin
Qih'a Lihzeh- Adopted Brother- Birth Family Side
d&d alignment. Neutral Good
mbti. ISFJ
likes. Running, Mountain Climbing, Swimming, The Outdoors, The Bardic Arts, Fine Dining, Painting, Philosophy, Wine Tasting, Amassing Knowledge, Maps, Boats and Navigation, Smoking his Pipe, His Library of Old Books.
dislikes. Garleans, The Forum, Violence, Cults, Witchcraft, The Twelve, Being told what to do, Liars, Cheaters, Rude People, Bullies.
virtues. Compassionate, Kindness, Cleanliness, Candor, Critical Thinking, Empathy, Love, Knowledge.
flaws. Awkwardness, Inability to Flirt, Nervousess around others, Hedonistic, Smoker, Perfectionist, Stubborn.

personality. Dimitri is a gentle giant of a man, who often wears his heart on his sleeve. He tends to keep to himself and shows signs of introversion though he will push himself to be friendly toward those around him to meet others. He has an outlandish sense of humor and a penchant for putting his foot in his mouth. It is very well known that Elezen is terrible at flirting and often appears far too somber for his own good. The most notable thing about his personality is that if he cares about you, he will go to no end to see you safe and happy often to the point that he puts his own needs to the side choosing to deal with them later over being self-centerted.
Biography Some would say that Dimitri's story, much like many other Ishgardian stories is a tale of woe that reminds us why Nobles should never be fully trusted, even if they are our parents.In Dimitri's case, he was brought into the world with his twin sister Viviane and before either could even open their eyes he was sent off to Old Sharlayan where two old friends of the family had gone their entire ten-year marriage without children.While many would be overjoyed by the chance to work at the Noumenon or attend classes at the prestigious Studium, these wonders came with a price for an outsider like himself, and that price was to spend much of his life feeling excluded from that which bonded young souls together as they aged.Some would say the positive side of this was that Dimitri was admitted into the Studium at the age of seventeen, while others would point out the fact that he was the adopted son of a Forum member and a well-known genetic researcher as the reason that he was accepted into the school. This was the first time in his life that the young genius found where he belonged and even began to make friends.He was twenty-one years old when he left the Studium with a degree in Occult Studies and lucrative job offers that were offered to him hand over fist as soon as graduation was over, but Dimitri, longed to see the Star instead of squandering away his youth and that summer, not long after graduation he stowed away on a ship bound for Thavnair only to find out the hard way that the Captain and the crew were Corsairs on the run from from the Radiant Host.Dimitri was gone for two cycles and to this day he does not speak much of that time or the ship that he sailed on. When he returned he took a position working for the Professor who taught him the ways of Occult Investigation and he spent until his thirtieth summer, the summer he came to Eorzea for the first time. This is where the tale of his past ends and you dear reader are welcome to ask about his present and future.
hooks & plots.
Family Matters |
Dimitri came to Eorzea from Old Sharlayan at the call of his Birth Mother, Baroness Saphelle Jienuex. It was during her last days that he arrived, meeting her and his Twin Sister for the first time. Perhaps you knew him back in Sharlayan and are looking to reconnect. |
The Performer |
Back in Old Sharlyan Dimitri used to sing for the tourists and the sailors. This got him a great deal of attention as he benefitted from the natural musical gift that each member of his birth family exhibited in some way. He loves singing Sea Shanties, Folk music, and sometimes you'll even catch him dabbling in Guitar Rock when he is in the mood. Perhaps you have seen him on stage. |
The Adders |
Once Dimitri decided he would not be returning to Old Sharlayan he petitioned the Twin Adders for a position as an Occult Investigator. It took work and a few contacts to get his foot in the door finally but currently, it is his place of employment. Perhaps you have a case you need him to work on or are part of the Adder's yourself. |
The Polyglot |
Dimitri is gifted with languages and it is said by his peers back in Old Sharlayan that there aren't many languages that he cannot speak. Some languages are easier than others, but he is always willing to lend a helping hand to someone needing a translator and often he will do it for free since he loves languages. |
The Painter |
Dimitri has been a professional painter since he was a young boy, his work, primarily focused on nature and landscapes. Currently, he is showcased in Old Sharlayan, Ul'dah, and two smaller galleries in Ishgard thanks to his Family's influence in the Pillars. Perhaps you have seen his work or you are looking to purchase a piece. |
The Dreamer |
Dimitri spent several Moons in Tural over the summer and during his time there he found enjoyment in writing stories which he has dubbed his Tavern Tales. These tales were created for his fiance, Laurent, to help him rest during their travels but now that he is back in Eorzea he begins to consider putting together a book of these works to share with others. Perhaps you have tips you can give him about writing. |